
By Disease


All Cancers
Product Name Catalog Number Platform
NGS Targeted Hotspot PanelTHSP-ILNGSFor Illumina Platforms
RNA Fusion Gene PanelRFGP-NGSFor Illumina Platforms

Breast/Ovarian Cancer
Product Name Catalog Number Platform
PIK3CA Mutation Analysis KitPI3K-RT48For Real-Time PCR
BRCA Complete™ Expanded PanelBRCAX-NGSFor Illumina Platforms

Colorectal Cancer
Product Name Catalog Number Platform
KRAS Mutation Analysis KitKRAS-RT50For Real-Time PCR
KRAS/BRAF Mutation Analysis KitKRBR-RT50For Real-Time PCR
RAS Mutation Analysis KitRAS-RT50For Real-Time PCR
PIK3CA Mutation Analysis KitPI3K-RT48For Real-Time PCR
NRAS Mutation Analysis KitNRAS-RT50For Real-Time PCR
Colorectal Cancer Mutation Detection PanelCRC-RT48For Real Time PCR
ctDNA RAS Mutation Detection KitCTRAS-RT40For Real Time PCR
MLH1 Methylation Detection KitMLH1-RT24For Real-Time PCR
NTRK Fusion Gene Detection KitNTRK-RT48For Real-Time PCR
CRCdx® RAS Mutation Detection KitCRCDX-RASFor Real-Time PCR

Companion Diagnostics
Product Name Catalog Number Platform
CRCdx® RAS Mutation Detection KitCRCDX-RASFor Real-Time PCR

Product Name Catalog Number Platform
GIST Mutation Detection KitGIST-RT44For Real-Time PCR

Product Name Catalog Number Platform
MGMT Methylation Detection KitMGMT-RT44For Real-Time PCR
IDH1/2 Mutation Detection KitIDH-RT38For Real-Time PCR
EGFRvIII Detection KitEGFRV3-RT42For Real-Time PCR

Product Name Catalog Number Platform
AML1-ETO One-Step Detection KitLEUK1-QRT24For Real-Time PCR
BCR-ABL P190 (mbcr) One-Step Detection KitBCR190-QRT46For Real-Time PCR
BCR-ABL P210 (Mbcr) One-Step Detection KitBCR210-QRT46For Real-Time PCR
CBFb-MYH11 One-Step Detection KitLEUK6-QRT24For Real-Time PCR
E2A-PBX1 One-Step Detection KitLEUK2-QRT24For Real-Time PCR
MLL-AF4 One-Step Detection KitLEUK3-QRT24For Real-Time PCR
PML-RARA bcr1, 2, 3 One-Step Detection KitLEUK4-QRT24For Real-Time PCR
TEL-AML1 One-Step Detection KitLEUK5-QRT24For Real-Time PCR
JAK2 V617F Mutation Analysis KitMUT-RT50For Real-Time PCR
Leukemia Translocation Panel V2LEUKMP-RT24For Real-Time PCR

Lung Cancer
Product Name Catalog Number Platform
EGFR Mutation Analysis KitEGFR-RT52For Real-Time PCR
PIK3CA Mutation Analysis KitPI3K-RT48For Real-Time PCR
KRAS Mutation Analysis KitKRAS-RT50For Real-Time PCR
ctDNA EGFR Mutation Detection KitCTEGFR-48For Real Time PCR
Lung Cancer RNA PanelLUNG-RT48For Real-Time PCR
ctDNA RAS Mutation Detection KitCTRAS-RT40For Real Time PCR
NTRK Fusion Gene Detection KitNTRK-RT48For Real-Time PCR

Product Name Catalog Number Platform
BRAF Codon 600 Mutation Analysis Kit IIBRAFX-RT64For Real-Time PCR
NRAS Mutation Analysis KitNRAS-RT50For Real-Time PCR
C-KIT Mutation Detection KitCKIT-RT44For Real Time PCR
NTRK Fusion Gene Detection KitNTRK-RT48For Real-Time PCR

Thyroid Cancer
Product Name Catalog Number Platform
Thyroid Cancer Fusion Gene Detection KitTHRNA-RT32For Real-Time PCR
Thyroid Cancer Mutation Detection KitTHDNA-RT64For Real-Time PCR

By Application


Mutation Analysis Kits
Product Name Catalog Number Platform
AML1-ETO One-Step Detection Kit
 »  Kit for quantitative detection of AML1-ETO fusion transcript
LEUK1-QRT24For Real-Time PCR
BCR-ABL P190 (mbcr) One-Step Detection Kit
 »  Kit for quantitation of e1a2 fusion transcripts
BCR190-QRT46For Real-Time PCR
BCR-ABL P210 (Mbcr) One-Step Detection Kit
 »  Kit for quantitation of b2a2 and b3a2 fusion transcripts
BCR210-QRT46For Real-Time PCR
BRAF Codon 600 Mutation Analysis Kit II
 »  For detection of B-Raf V600E/K/D/R/M Mutations
BRAFX-RT64For Real-Time PCR
BRCA Complete™ Expanded Panel
 »  For BRCA1, BRCA2, CHEK2, PALB2, RAD51C, TP53 exome sequencing
BRCAX-NGSFor Illumina Platforms
C-KIT Mutation Detection Kit
 »  Kit for detection of C-kit somatic mutations
CKIT-RT44For Real Time PCR
CBFb-MYH11 One-Step Detection Kit
 »  Kit for quantitation of CBFb-MYH11 fusion transcripts
LEUK6-QRT24For Real-Time PCR
Colorectal Cancer Mutation Detection Panel
 »  For detecton of RAS, BRAF, PIK3CA & AKT mutations
CRC-RT48For Real Time PCR
CRCdx® RAS Mutation Detection Kit
 »  For detection of KRAS & NRAS somatic mutations
ctDNA EGFR Mutation Detection Kit
 »  For detection of EGFR mutations in cell-free DNA
CTEGFR-48For Real Time PCR
ctDNA RAS Mutation Detection Kit
 »  For detection of RAS mutations in cell-free DNA
CTRAS-RT40For Real Time PCR
E2A-PBX1 One-Step Detection Kit
 »  Kit for quantitative detection of E2A-PBX1 fusion transcript
LEUK2-QRT24For Real-Time PCR
EGFR Mutation Analysis Kit
 »  For detection of exon 18, 19, 20 and 21 somatic mutations
EGFR-RT52For Real-Time PCR
EGFRX Mutation Analysis Kit
 »  For detection of L858M, L861R, E709X mutations
EGFRX-RT52For Real-Time PCR
GIST Mutation Detection Kit
 »  Kit for detection of KIT and PDGFRA somatic mutations
GIST-RT44For Real-Time PCR
IDH1/2 Mutation Detection Kit
 »  For detection of IDH1 and IDH2 somatic mutations
IDH-RT38For Real-Time PCR
JAK2 V617F Mutation Analysis Kit
 »  For detection of JAK2 V617F somatic mutation
MUT-RT50For Real-Time PCR
KRAS Mutation Analysis Kit
 »  For detection of KRAS somatic mutations
KRAS-RT50For Real-Time PCR
KRAS/BRAF Mutation Analysis Kit
 »  For detection of K-Ras and B-Raf somatic mutations
KRBR-RT50For Real-Time PCR
Leukemia Translocation Panel
 »  For multiplexed detection of fusion gene variants
LEUKMP-RT24For Real-Time PCR
Leukemia Translocation Panel V2
 »  For multiplexed detection of fusion gene variants
LEUKMP-RT24For Real-Time PCR
Lung Cancer RNA Panel
 »  For detection of ROS1, RET, ALK & MET mutations
LUNG-RT48For Real-Time PCR
MLL-AF4 One-Step Detection Kit
 »  Kit for quantitative detection of MLL-AF4 fusion transcript
LEUK3-QRT24For Real-Time PCR
NGS Targeted Hotspot Panel
 »  For detection of clinically relevant mutations
THSP-ILNGSFor Illumina Platforms
NRAS Mutation Analysis Kit
 »  For detection of NRAS somatic mutations
NRAS-RT50For Real-Time PCR
NTRK Fusion Gene Detection Kit
 »  For detection of NTRK 1, 2, 3 fusion genes
NTRK-RT48For Real-Time PCR
PIK3CA Mutation Analysis Kit
 »  For detection of PIK3CA somatic mutations
PI3K-RT48For Real-Time PCR
PML-RARA bcr1, 2, 3 One-Step Detection Kit
 »  Kit for quantitative detection of PML-RARA fusion transcripts
LEUK4-QRT24For Real-Time PCR
RAS c.59/117 Mutation Detection Kit
 »  For detection of KRAS c.59, NRAS c.59/117 somatic mutations
RASX-RT50For Real-Time PCR
RAS Mutation Analysis Kit
 »  For detection of KRAS and NRAS somatic mutations
RAS-RT50For Real-Time PCR
RNA Fusion Gene Panel
 »  For the targeted detection of clinically relevant fusion genes
RFGP-NGSFor Illumina Platforms
TEL-AML1 One-Step Detection Kit
 »  Kit for quantitative detection of TEL-AML1 fusion transcript
LEUK5-QRT24For Real-Time PCR
Thyroid Cancer Fusion Gene Detection Kit
 »  For detection of RET & PAX8 fusion genes
THRNA-RT32For Real-Time PCR
Thyroid Cancer Mutation Detection Kit
 »  For detection of BRAF and RAS somatic mutations
THDNA-RT64For Real-Time PCR

Genotyping Kits
Product Name Catalog Number Platform
UGT1A1 Genotyping Kit
 »  For detection of UGT1A1*28 SNP
UGT-RT50For Real-Time PCR

Quality Assessment Kits
Product Name Catalog Number Platform
DNA Fragmentation Quantification Assay
 »  For assessment of DNA quality for qPCR and NGS assays
FQA-RT40For Real-Time PCR
Internal Quality Control Assay
 »  For assessment of DNA quality for qPCR assays
IQCA-RT50For Real Time PCR
Library Quantification Kit for Illumina
 »  qPCR kit for accurate quantification of NGS libraries

Methylation Detection Kits
Product Name Catalog Number Platform
MGMT Methylation Detection Kit
 »  For detection of MGMT promoter methylation
MGMT-RT44For Real-Time PCR
MLH1 Methylation Detection Kit
 »  For detection of MLH1 Methylation
MLH1-RT24For Real-Time PCR

DNA/RNA Isolation Kits
Product Name Catalog Number Platform
pureNA® Cell-Free DNA Isolation Kit
CFDNA-50Plasma and Serum
pureNA® Genomic DNA Isolation Kit
GDNA-50Kit for extracting genomic DNA from FFPE tissue

Product Name Catalog Number Platform
Benchbot 4800 Liquid Handling System
 »  For nucleic acid isolation and PCR plate setup
BBOT4800Sample prep instrument for Real-Time PCR assays